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Below is a list of just some of the wonderful literary journals and contests available for you to submit your fiction to! You may or may not be interested in those listed, or find that they do not pertain to your specific work. Always remember that there are many, many more publications out there, lists of which can be found at newpages and poets and writers.

Fiction Magazines


The Gist: Fiction Magazines takes all subgenres of fiction and releases an issue for each once a month.


Frequency of Publication: A monthly magazine in each genre.


FYI: Simultaneous submissions accepted with no reading fee; ask for first publishing rights, one month exclusivity, and no previously published work; paying publication: half the paid price of the issue divided evenly among all contributing writers; submit via submittable


Blank Fiction


The Gist: Blank Fiction takes submissions in one particular genre every quarter and publishes them in iTunes and as a PDF through their site. They have an awesome simultaneous submission policy and they pay $50 to boot.


Frequency of Publication: Quarterly, online.


FYI: Simultaneous submissions accepted with no reading fee; paying publication; 15,000 word max and they only take one genre at a time which they post well in advance; accept submissions through submittable


American Short Fiction


The Gist: American Short Fiction has been around since 1991 and is published triannually.


Frequency of Publication: Annually in the spring.


FYI: Simultaneous submissions accepted with a $3.00 reading free; paying publication; submissions must be under 2000 words; submit via submittable


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